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General information as required by the TDG §6 (German Teleservice Act 1997)

Entimo AG
Stralauer Platz 33 - 34
10243 Berlin

Executive Board:
Marc Jantke (CEO)
Sven Prasse

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr Jürgen Kübler

Public limited company located in Berlin
Register of companies: HRB Berlin-Charlottenburg 85073

T: +49(0)30 520 024 100
F: +49(0)30 520 024 101


Legal Notice

1. Content of the online offer

Entimo AG places information about the company and about entimo solutions and services on its webpage free of charge. The information thus offered should not be regarded as a comprehensive presentation but rather as product information which Entimo AG provides and updates from time to time, for which reason Entimo AG extends no guarantee whatsoever concerning the actuality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. The content and publications on this page represent neither a contract offer nor legally binding information nor a consultancy nor an offer to complete either a consultancy or an information contract. The user should not fail to obtain further information before making a purchase or any other kind of decision with respect to entimo Solutions and Services or with respect to the usage of the information provided here.

Entimo AG is liable only for intent and gross negligence. In particular, Entimo AG is liable only for incorrectness or incompleteness of the accessed content or for damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of incorrect or incomplete information insofar as Entimo AG is intentionally or through gross negligence grossly liable for the incorrectness or incompleteness of the content.

Entimo AG accepts no liability for the accessibility of these pages, the quality of that access or the quality of the presentation of these pages; nor for memory crash, interruptions, any delays, deletions, errors or incorrect transfers during communication, unless Entimo AG is liable through intent or grossly negligent behavior. Beyond what has already been stated, Entimo AG cannot be held liable for events occuring outside of Entimo AG's control which lead to damage (e.g. loss of data occurring during transfer).

Entimo AG explicitly retains the right to change, expand or delete either parts or the entirety of its Web presentation, without giving any prior notice, or to cancel the publication either temporarily or permanently.

2. References and Links

External, direct or indirect links to third-party offers provided within the framework of this Entimo AG page take the user to the content of the respective third parties and not to Entimo AG content. These links are either clear from the context or are specifically labeled. Entimo AG has no influence on the content presented under these links and assumes no responsibility for the content as a result of having provided these references and links.

Responsibility can only be established if Entimo AG is aware of the content available on those pages and if it is technically possible and appropriate for Entimo AG to prevent its use. When setting up the links, Entimo AG conducted an appropriately comprehensive check of the content at these sites for any infringement of the law. No infringement of the law was obvious or is known to us. Entimo AG has no influence on the design or content of the linked pages and is therefore not in a position to monitor changes to the content for any infringements of the law. This applies to all links and references found within the company’s own Internet presentation and to entries by third parties in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by Entimo AG.

3. Copyright and labeling rights

The content made accessible on this site by Entimo AG is protected by copyright insofar as nothing to the contrary is indicated in the content. The user is obliged to respect existing copyrights and undertakes not to transgress against them. The user may download and temporarily save the Internet page to a computer or screen for private use. The user also has the right to produce material for copying (e.g. printout of a webpage) in extract form and solely for private use. The downloaded data is exclusively for private use. These rights apply only so long as any protection symbols (copyright symbols or similar), trademarks and other identification remains unchanged in the copies.

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4. Trade marks and labeling rights

Some of the terms used on this site may be registered trademarks or other identification symbols which are only used for reference purposes and which remain – regardless of how they are identified – the property of the respective owner. All other trademarks mentioned on this website are protected trademarks of their owners.

5. Other

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